----- Original Message -----
From: "Brandon Harris" bharris@wikimedia.org
It's the exact same yellow as before, guys. The *exact* shade.
This is the exact definition of a "bikeshed" argument. Feel free to move along.
I don't see, Brandon, that Erwin suggested that it is not.
But no, colorization of elements of a user interface is in fact *not* a bikeshed argument: these colors actually matter to people, because they have culturally ingrained expectations about what they mean -- though those cultures may be geopolitical or they may be intentional (programmers, geeks, etc).
Additionally, of course, there are best practices for how far apart colors should be to be easily distinguishable, what luminance and saturation work best, and what color combinations are bad for colorblind people.
So please, stop taking this stuff personally, and address the issue?
You're a designer; you know know better than to have ego tied up in the results...
Cheers, -- jra