* Philip Neustrom philip@localwiki.org [Thu, 15 Dec 2011 14:50:32 -0800]:
Keep in mind that with our generic versioning framework we can version and diff any structured data, independent of wiki page content. So there's probably no need to stuff extension invocation inside of page content.
Extension invocation inside of page content allows to build very flexible dynamic layout. One can mix output of various extensions (audio, video, forms) to create new functionality.
Page-content plugins will need editor plugins, yeah (like our "include page" plugin). But I think that's a good thing.
How do these plugin work when there is no XML "injection" into page content? How the final layout is being build?
The concerns you raise are probably valid for Wikipedia. We're working with new communities, for the most part. (and our work isn't based on MediaWiki - not sure if I made that clear in my original message).
To the MediaWiki extension I develop, visual editor probably will multiply the amount of code by the factor of two. So, yes, programmer's life is much easier without that. However you are right, end-user will prefer visual editor. Dmitriy