After the Platform Engineering meeting yesterday, I've added a couple of queries to the sidebar in Bugzilla for users in the "editbugs" group. The first is "Day old patches" and should return a list of patches from the last 24 hours.
The second is "WMF Materials highest priority". This works by checking only a selected list of Products and Components in Bugzilla and returning only the highest priority bugs in that list. It is limited in that it is a whitelist, and may miss some products and categories. I hope you'll point out any problems you find with it to me.
Of course, you can remove either or both of these queries from your sidebar: just uncheck the box under your preferences' "Saved Searches" tab. Or use this URL:
Hopefully, these queries will help provide us with some tools to get issues resolved and (till the magical world of git) integrate contributed code.
Let me know your thoughts,