On 08/12/11 22:55, Harry Burt wrote:
Hey all.
I'm looking for comments regarding an extension I knocked up today and its viability for Wikimedia wikis:
Looks very good. It was damn simple! I just have a comment, you do
$language = ( isset( $params['lang'] ) ) ? $params['lang'] : '';
but the default value of rasterize $language is null, and you perform a strict comparison:
if( $language !== null){
Thus, I'd change the ternary above to
$language = ( isset( $params['lang'] ) ) ? $params['lang'] : '';
It's probably worth to add to the native Svg rasterizer, too. We would need to add a MediaWiki frontend to -at least- get the svg languages, ideally also to allow on-wiki translation. If the given language is not available in the svg, perhaps MediaWiki should automatically replace it by an appropiate fallback in the thumbnail call.
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