Just got this email from Joe Corneli. This would be a great time to start working with interested people about integrating Etherpad with MediaWiki.
Please reply on the designated etherpad if you are interested: http://beta.primarypad.com/p/2r5ViOLFvL
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Joe Corneli holtzermann17@gmail.com Date: Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 3:01 PM Subject: Etherpad International Hackathon 2012 To: Etherpad Open Source Developers etherpad-dev@googlegroups.com, etherpad-lite-dev@googlegroups.com, etherpad-open-source-discuss@googlegroups.com Cc: Constantin Jucovschi jucovschi@gmail.com
Hi all:
I'd like to start organizing a set of meetups to work on Etherpad stuff early next year. My guess is that January is a good time. Last year we had Europe and East Coast meetings, so let's see if we can manage at least that, again, this year.
Last year's meetings were in Bradford UK and at Olin College in Needham, MA. This year's locations are not decided yet.
If you would be interested in attending or hosting an Etherpad hacking event in January, please let us know:
(1) Where you are! (2) Do you have any funding needs? (Thanks to our generous donors, we have a small budget that can be allocated for legitimate/useful expenses.) (3) What dates would work best for you? (4) What project or task might you want to tackle during the meet-up?
Other thoughts:
* for any students on the list: you may be able to get "Intersession" credits for working on Etherpad. * for any companies on the list: this could be a good "sponsorship" opportunity - let's discuss any ideas!
I'm creating a pad at http://beta.primarypad.com/p/2r5ViOLFvL to record answers or ideas, so we can avoid cross-posting a drawn out discussion to all of these lists. Do however feel free to forward this message to anyone who you think might be interested.
Cheers, Joe