On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 5:21 AM, Chad innocentkiller@gmail.com wrote:
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 4: finding an email add08 PM, Platonides Platonides@gmail.com wrote:
Although the mediawiki.org domain has MX records, I don't think it's ever been used for e-mail reception, so we could use that domain for assigning each coder a mediawiki.org mailbox..
That's a good idea, and as you may have read in this month's engineering report we're looking into the feasibility of this. Right now I'm suggesting something similar to SourceForge, like @users.mediawiki.org
Wouldn't it be considerably less effort to set the email address of people with unknown emails to something that obviously doesn't work (e.g foo@svn-migration.mediawiki.local)?
If in the future these people return, we can set up a .mailmap file to map these placeholder email addresses to their new ones.
Setting up a mail forwarding system seems like a pretty enormous and irrelevant yak to be shaving in order to improve the version control system :).