I have finished moving the Vector and WikiEditor sub-extensions of the UsabiltiyInitiative extension to their own extension folders, removing dependencies on shared code, in favor of ResourceLoader functionality. This is a big step towards getting Wikipedia to run a lot faster, but it's going to require a little bit of transitioning.
There are two branches of the UsabilityInitiative extension which were made prior to me dismantling it...
* /branches/REL1_16/extensions/UsabilityInitiative/ -- official release version * /branches/usability-initiative-1_16/ -- intermediate version with more recent patches, should be merged soon
I am porting the remaining sub-extension of UsabilityInitiative to no longer depend on UsabilityInitiative.php and work with ResourceLoader if really necessary. There is at least one other extension which depends on UsabilityInitiative that I know of (SimpleSurvey), and there may be others; these need to be detached from UsabilityInitiative.php before November (when we roughly plan to deploy 1.17 last I heard).
If you need help detaching code form UsabilityInitiative stuff, let me know, I can help. You can also look at the examples of how to use ResourceLoader which can be seen in the shiny newly-refactored Vector and WikiEditor extensions.
Again - If anyone needs any general help converting extensions to use ResourceLoader - please contact me.
- Trevor