On 17 November 2010 02:37, Dmitriy Sintsov questpc@rambler.ru wrote:
- Andrew Dunbar hippytrail@gmail.com [Tue, 16 Nov 2010 23:01:33
I wish to do some MediaWiki hacking which uses the codebase, specifically the parser, but not the database or web server. I'm running on Windows XP on an offline machine with PHP installed but no MySql or web server. I've unarchived the source and grabbed a copy of somebody's LocalSettings.php but not attempted to to install MediaWiki beyond this.
Obviously I don't expect to be able to do much, but when I try to run any of the maintenance scripts I get no output whatsoever, not even errors.
I was hoping to let the error messages guide me as to what is essential, what needs to be stubbed, wrapped etc.
Am I missing something obvious or do these scripts return no errors by design?
Andrew Dunbar (hippietrail)
In the web environment, error messages may expose vulnerabilities to potential attacker. The errors might be written to php's error log, which is set up by
directive in php.ini. You may find the actual location of php.ini by executing
php --ini
Look also at the whole Error handling and logging section
Does php work at all? Is there an configuration output
php -r phpinfo();
when issued from cmd.exe ?
php dumpBackup.php --help
being issued from /maintenance directory, produces the command line help? Dmitriy
Thanks Dmitry. PHP does work. The --help options always work. It turned out the LocalSettings.php somebody on #mediawiki pointed me to require_once()'d several extensions I didn't have and require_once() seems to fail silently. I'll try to aquaint myself better with the Error handling and logging section as you suggest.
Is there somewhere an "official" blank or example LocalSettings.php file that would be better to use for people like me to avoid such problems? Rolling my own from scratch doesn't seem ideal either.
Andrew Dunbar (hippietrail)
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