Chris Lewis wrote:
I hope I am emailing this to the right group. My concern was about mediawiki and it's limitations, as well as it's outdated methods. As someone wo runs a wiki, I've gone through a lot of frustrations.
For one thing, I'd say that mediawiki aims for a particular market position.
Mediawiki is designed to support very large wikis, i.e. 3M pages on one of the most trafficked web sites on Earth.
For a large-scale site, there's going to be a lot of administration work to be done, so it doesn't matter if the system is difficult to set up and configure.
Wordpress, on the other hand, set out with the mission of being the 'cheap and cheerful' program that would dominate the market for blogging software. Everything about Wordpress is designed to make it easy to set up a Wordpress site quickly and configure it easily. Wordpress does scale OK to fairly large blogs and high traffic if you SuperCache it.
If you want a wiki that's easier to set up and administer, I'd consider forking or starting out from scratch. (In the latter case you get complete control of configuration management, which is key)