Ryan Kaldari wrote:
Actually, I would implement "hot articles" per WikiProject. So, for example, you could see the 5 articles under WikiProject Arthropods that had been edited the most in the past week. That should scale well. In fact, I would probably redesign Wikipedia to be WikiProject-based from the ground up, rather than as an afterthought. Like when you first sign up for an account it asks you which WikiProjects you want to join, etc. and there are cool extensions for earning points and awards within WikiProjects (that don't require learning how to use templates).
Ryan Kaldari
Well, that's an interesting point. People ask for things like a "chat per article" without realising what that would mean. Grouping communication in bigger "wikiproject" channels could work. Although some tree-like structure would be needed to manually split / magically join depending on the amount of people there.