On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 6:39 PM, Strainustrainu10@gmail.com wrote:
- When will this support appear?
- Has the code already been modified accordingly?
The Wikimedia sites all have the OggHandler extension installed, which supports a number of different methods for playing audio and video, including the <audio> and <video> tags:
A button is displayed (along with a thumbnail for video), which runs some javascript when clicked to detect a method to play the media. If the user's browser supports the <audio> and <video> tags, they will be used. Otherwise, the script steps through various browser plugin media players (starting with the Cortado Java applet) until it finds one that works, or if there is none, directs the user to where they can download one.
I'm using FF 3.5 and video playback works very nicely, using the <video> tags.
- How much time will legacy browsers be supported?
As long as the OggHandler extension is used, playback will try to devolve gracefully.