"Steve Bennett" wrote in message news:b8ceeef70906250229s1211f650nbb5dc10d4a13ebce@mail.gmail.com...
On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Mark Clements (HappyDog) wrote:
I've just noticed that on English Wikipedia links such as [[Pink Floyd]]'s no longer include the 's as part of the resulting link. Is this a parser bug, or a deliberate change in the way links are being parsed? I don't recall seeing an announcement about it.
Since we're debating the merits of the change, IMHO the 's should not be linked. Can't think of any compelling reasons why, but aesthetically it seems better to me.
I noticed the problem here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil%27s_Heavy_Concept_Album
The second paragraph has about 6 instances of this in quick succession, and in my opinion it makes the paragraph needlessly difficult to read. (btw, it also has instance of s', as in Sex Pistols', and this looks fine, so I don't think this case needs to be handled in the same way).
I just tested that paragraph in 1.6.10, and it is rendered the same, so this doesn't appear to be a regression (unless the change happened prior to that, or it has changed twice since then) so it seems I must have just been mis-remembering it. However I personally think it would be improvement.
- Mark Clements (HappyDog)