2009/6/5 Strainu strainu10@gmail.com:
I need a little help understanding the deployment policy used on Wikipedia in order to have a better image of the relation between different types of request in bugzilla and the code added to ro.wp following those requests.
I read at http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/trunk/phase3/RELEASE-NOTES?view=ma... that "MediaWiki is now using a "continuous integration" development model with quarterly snapshot releases. The latest development code is always kept "ready to run", and in fact runs our own sites on Wikipedia.".
Indeed, when googling for the blogs of some wikimedia engineers, you can see that at certain times the latest code from trunk is pushed onto the production servers. On the other hand, when activating an extension, the latest stable version is activated.
Is this the way it's really happening? If so, why are there two different policies? Which of those two do you consider best?
There aren't two different policies. When enabling a new extension, the latest version from SVN is installed (provided it has passed review), and extensions are updated together with the core MediaWiki code. Once upon a time, we had sort-of-weekly code updates, but right now Wikipedia is running code dated March 25th.
Roan Kattouw (Catrope)