Media Wiki is a great democratic tool, allowing anyone to easily create beautiful content. But it has the potential to also become an important tool *for* a democracy, by allowing complex disputed cases to be closely argued and clearly explained.
To best support this, it would appear that a new mode needs to be added to Media Wiki that displays a pair of hierarchically- expandable wiki streams side-by-side.
An example of what I'm suggesting can be seen at makethecase.net, a site I created over five years ago using a now obsolete system (and some rather primitive HTML skills). Though I'm now a proficient Ruby on Rails programmer, I think it would be better to create an updated system using Media Wiki, the premier modern CMS. However I don't know much about PHP, so am looking for anyone who would like to work alone, with me, or with others, to make this a reality.
To this end, I've created a bug report for this enhancement: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15423
I really think this would be a useful tool that would complement Wikipedia, as I argued here: http://makethecase.net/why.html .