River Tarnell wrote:
unlike the existing ABC extension (AbcMusic), it doesn't support opening arbitrary files as ABC input (which is a potential security issue), and has several additional features:
- The original ABC can be downloaded easily
- The score can be downloaded as PDF, PostScript, MIDI or Ogg Vorbis
- A media player can be embedded in the page to play the media file
Oooooh! Cool!
A few issues to consider, based on some of our experience with media files:
* Can we adapt it to a storage backend which doesn't use a shared filesystem? NFS servers are problematic, and we're planning to remove them from the equation for uploaded media. Output generated during parsing should similarly be able to be stored in a way that fails gracefully when servers are down, or supports better failover.
* Garbage collection for unused output files? Previews or changed pages could leave the system littered with millions of output files which will never be used again.
It'd be nice to solve these for math and timelines as well -- perhaps a unified system?
* Rendering multiple output formats on parse could potentially be quite slow; if there are resource-usage problems, it would be nice to isolate them like we currently do for image thumbnails (rendered on-demand on a sub-cluster).
- -- brion