Le samedi 11 octobre 2008 à 01:20 +0000, wikitech-l-request@lists.wikimedia.org a écrit :
From: "Aryeh Gregor" Simetrical+wikilist@gmail.com Subject: Re: [Wikitech-l] Why Ubuntu? 080511 15:35:42 <Simetrical> mark, why Ubuntu? 080511 15:39:28 <mark> it's debian but with predictable release cycles 080511 15:44:36 <mark> at some point ubuntu got all hyped and I saw an opportunity to get everyone convinced to use something debian based
<DebianFanBoyMode fanaticism="high">
Pfff. Real men use Debian, the real thing, not the "debian based" hype. :)
I use Debian GNU/Linux for my desktops and laptops (lenny/testing with some sid/unstable plus custom things) and servers (etch/stable with some volatile and custom things) and I am very happy, never had any problem, always serving me with great stability and security.
At some point I had tried Ubuntu for desktops/laptops/servers and very quickly I replaced it with Debian for all machines (desktops/laptops/servers), never looking back.
May I ask whether you really tried Debian at all in the Wikimedia server farm before choosing Ubuntu?