for security reason I want my wiki users to logon via https connection while all the wiki is accessible via regular http connection.
so I added this code to LocalSettings.php:
$ServerName=$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if ((substr($_GET['title'],-10,10) == ":Userlogin") && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != "on")) header("Location: https://$ServerName%22.$_SERVER%5B%27REQUEST_URI']); else if ((substr($_GET['title'],-10,10) != ":Userlogin") && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "on")) header("Location: http://$ServerName%22.$_SERVER%5B%27REQUEST_URI']);
(also at http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Configuration_tips_and_tricks#HTTPS_on_L...)
now I've two problems,
first: Firefox tells me that the page is partially encypted - and I can't find which object isn't encrypted (see wiki.jct.ac.il login page)
second: the "remember me" check box do not work. (maybe it cause of LDAP auth ??)
any help will be appreciated.