Rob Church wrote:
On 26/02/07, Edward Z. Yang wrote:
MySQL 5.0.18 is only experimentally supported by MediaWiki, the production sites use MySQL 4.0.
MediaWiki works with MySQL 5.x without problems if you use the latin1 schema. I don't think this is the actual cause.
Jeff, are you saying that the page histories appear to be blank when accessed? If so, this *could* be a caching problem if the page_touched columns haven't been updated.
Could you run a quick statement such as UPDATE page SET page_touched = 20070226080700 and see if that cures the problem? Please also do a hard-reload when viewing one of these pages.
If I've interpreted what the problem is wrongly, then please clarify.
Rob Church
I think you have it. I am running importDump.php across three wikis tonight, so I'll have to retest tommorrow. I needed to get the wikis back up, so after it barfed, I just purged out the databases and started importDump on clean db files. I can also do this one tommorrow and try out these commands.
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