Interestingly enough, following on my previous message, it appears that also Inkscape is returning exactly the same type of error when acting as SVG->PNG converter. Which leads me to believe that the problem must be somewhere else... =P
On 8/21/07, Emanuele D'Arrigo wrote:
Hi everybody, I'm a bit at a loss with a "this should work" problems.
I've tried to enable SVG->PNG conversion using batik but I get only an "Error creating thumbnail:" message.
I've then enabled debugging and found this in the log:
thumbnail failed on myhost: error -1 "" from "C:/jdk141/bin/java.exe -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar "D:/Inetpub/wwwroot/MediaWiki/extensions/SVGextension/batik-1.7/batik-rasterizer.jar" -w 180 -d "D:/Inetpub/wwwroot/MediaWiki/uploads/thumb/f/f8/SymbolWaitVote2.svg/180px-SymbolWaitVote2.svg.png" "D:/Inetpub/wwwroot/MediaWiki/uploads/f/f8/SymbolWaitVote2.svg" 2>&1"
I've run the command manually on the host machine, from a standard shell, and the conversion is executed correctly, so much that if I reload the page that should have triggered the conversion, the image correctly appears.
I'm not quite sure how to debug this further. Any suggestions?