As I understand it, the MediaWiki system works by interpreting the "source code" as stored in the database and rendering it into HTML. I am curious to know how tightly connected the code is to the database.
My ultimate goal is to make a WYSIWYG "offline" wiki editor. The user would browse the wiki as normal, but on pressing the Edit link (or a command in the app itself), it would download the source to a local cache for editing. I do this many times with my text editor, but I would like something much more capable, looking for missing closing refs and brackets, offering a separate window to keep cites and other clippings that are auto-included at the end, and offering a realtime preview
In order for this to work the interpreter would have to be able to be fed from a text file, or even better, a buffer. I would use CURL to manage downloading the storing the source, WebKit to display the rendered results, and various Cocoa objects to wrap it all together.
Any comments from the techs out there? Is this doable?