An automated run of parserTests.php showed the following failures:
A database error has occurred Query: SELECT ll_lang,ll_title FROM `parsertest_langlinks` WHERE ll_from = '1' FOR UPDATE Function: LinksUpdate::getExistingInterlangs Error: 1146 Table 'fiveralpha.parsertest_langlinks' doesn't exist (localhost)
Backtrace: GlobalFunctions.php line 602 calls wfBacktrace() Database.php line 473 calls wfDebugDieBacktrace() Database.php line 419 calls Database::reportQueryError() Database.php line 818 calls Database::query() LinksUpdate.php line 535 calls Database::select() LinksUpdate.php line 108 calls LinksUpdate::getExistingInterlangs() LinksUpdate.php line 80 calls LinksUpdate::doIncrementalUpdate() Article.php line 2272 calls LinksUpdate::doUpdate() Article.php line 1246 calls Article::editUpdates() line 666 calls Article::insertNewArticle() line 144 calls ParserTest::addArticle() parserTests.php line 54 calls ParserTest::runTestsFromFile()
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