On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 10:43:17 +0100, Reinhardt Wiewe reinhardt.wiewe@lenauschule.de wrote:
The tlh language code does not generate corectly the "In other languages" links
I believe this was a deliberate (though highly controversial) compromise in a debate about whether artificial languages - in this case Klingon, a language originally created for a work of fiction - should have equal status with "real" languages. (See, for instance, http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Artificial_languages_equal_rights)
This e-mail is not intended as an endorsement of any particular view within that debate, but merely to point out that enabling that language code should be thought of as a policy issue, rather than a merely technical one, and therefore only on-topic on this list if and when a new consensus is reached by the wider community.