Hello wikitech-l,
Belarusian language (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belarusian_language) has now two quite widely used alphabet versions - Cyrillics and Latin (actually, it also has Arabic alphabet, but it is too rarely used).
For now, be: wikipedia uses Cyrillics. But we really need Latin version for those, who prefers to use this alphabet. We have strict bidirectional rules to transform any text between Cyrillics <-> Latin.
We are interested in creating of a "live mirror" (automatic translator) between Cyrillics and Latin alphabets for be: Wikipedia. I mean, it would be great, if anyone could read and submit any article in either alphabet.
As far as i know, something similar was created for different alphabets of Chinese language, so this issue should be worked over already.
I'm myself an experienced PHP+MySQL developer, so I can directly participate in this project.
Can anyone provide their thoughts and any help about this issue? It is surely interesting and quite important thing.
Thank you.