wl_notificationtimestamp varchar(14) binary NOT NULL default '0',
While the pgsql versions currently look like: page_touched timestamp without time zone DEFAULT '1900-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, wl_notificationtimestamp timestamp without time zone DEFAULT '1900-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
For the wl_notificationtimestamp there is then code that either wants to place a 0 in it, or check that there is a 0 in it, or some other weird thing. There are probably various other things like this.
I really dislike the NOT NULL constraints with a default value on such fields. I would either like to drop the default, drop the NOT NULL constraint (and default), or change the schema in such a way that they are not needed. In case of the watchlist this should be rather easy. We could just drop the default and delete the record instead of setting it to some state that doesn't make sense.
It would be nice of someone could go over all such things.
Kurt: I am responsible for wl_notificationtimestamp . Please let us together fix this (you patch, I'll check or the other way around. I have *no* PostgreSQL running, but will be happy, if you help to fix last problems, you mentioned.
Mag ook graag in het Nederlands oder auf Deutsch ! Tom