Dori wrote:
On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 18:16:30 +0200, Magnus Manske wrote:
On the default skin (no other skins yet, sorry) you'll get a "validate" tab on all articles (no other namespaces), for both old and current versions. On a sidenote, I discriminate versions by their timestamp, as there is currently no other versioning system that works for both cur and old tables, AFAIK.
I haven't looked at this feature yet (it's not on test), but wouldn't it be better to leave the tabs alone and add it to the toolbox instead? The tab location is getting prettty crowded and it is hard to see some of them on lower resolutions.
I thought that "edit, watch, validate" belongs together somehow. These are all about the very page you are looking at that moment. The toolbox is somthing different, according to my intuition at least :-)
If it proves impractical, it can be easily changed. If moving the link will be the worst bug to fix, I'll celebrate!