Hello all,
can anybody tell me why I can't delete this file: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immagine:Mrdoctor.jpg If I click the "canc" (="del") link next to it, I get 'Non è stato possibile cancellare il file "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/wikipedia.org/upload/it/d/d6/Mrdoctor.jpg"' (='Could not delete the file ...'). Trying to open the image itself gives a 404.
I don't think this is related to the lenght of 0 byte, as I already successfully deleted other 0 byte uploads. Is this just a minor database inconsistency? Should I ignore it?
On a related note: is there a way of getting a list of images where the image description was deleted instead of the image itself? I can't do that working on a database dump, right? Any suggestions? (Sorry if this is a FAQ - I'd expected it to be one, but I couldn't find an answer neither on meta nor in the gmane archive).
Thanks, [[it:Utente:Leonard Vertighel]]
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