for those interested, i have begun adding support for Oracle database backend to 1.5, in a separate branch. at present it's somewhat usable (editing mostly works), but many things are unimplemented or broken. to check out a copy of the source:
cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@cvs.defau.lt:/root login
(press enter for password)
cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@cvs.defau.lt:/root co -rORACLE_WORK phase3
there's no installer support, so you'll need to create a LocalSettings.php manually (easiest is to install it under MySQL and copy the file). set $wgDBserver to any non-empty string, $wgDBtype to 'oracle' and $wgDBname to your Oracle SID. run "@maintenance/oracle/tables.sql" from SQLPlus to import the table definitions. to make a user into a sysop after installation:
SQL> CALL add_user_right('Username', 'sysop') SQL> CALL add_user_right('Username', 'bureaucrat')
please file bugs related to Oracle support in bugzilla, blocking #652.