This is a notice that on Monday, April 15th between 20:00-21:00 UTC (1-2pm PDT) Wikimedia Foundation will release security updates for current and supported branches of the MediaWiki software. Downloads and patches will be available at that time, with the git repositories updated later that afternoon. CVSS scores are between 4.3 and 7.1, most users will want to update.
Help is needed to submit (or reject) backports to 1.19 and 1.20 of patches where requested:
37209 Highest blo LinkCache doesn't currently know about this title 40939 Low blo [Regression] InfoAction: Call to a member function getUserText() on a non-object 42614 Highest cri JobQueueDB::claimRandom very slow with lots of jobs, takes half of the total time for queries 37714 Normal maj [Regression] Incomplete log entries: sublog missing 42430 Normal maj Exception Caught: Error in numRows(): Table 'metawiki.revtag_type' doesn't exist ( 42452 High maj Sidebar display problems after changing menu headings from h5 to h3, possible caching issue 43594 Unprior maj wfSuppressWarnings() should suppress E_STRICT warnings 44623 High nor Babel autocreate edit summary in user language instead of content language 45903 Normal nor 1.19 needs to avoid gzip unless useGzip returns true 46493 High nor Special:ProtectedPages results in whitepage when a bad title is protected 46719 High nor Special:Statistics still links to Special:Activeusers 26818 Low enh ResourceLoader should pretty print JSON in mw.config/mw.user.options etc. in debug mode