At the risk of getting a whack on the head, could we have a status update on the toolserver, particularly with respect to English Wikipedia? I haven't heard much since it was announced that the data was being reloaded but there was some corruption. isn't very helpful.
Sorry to be a nuisance!
Hello, Am Donnerstag, den 03.08.2006, 16:31 +0200 schrieb Steve Bennett:
At the risk of getting a whack on the head, could we have a status update on the toolserver, particularly with respect to English Wikipedia? I haven't heard much since it was announced that the data was being reloaded but there was some corruption.
Yes. I have fix the problem with the corruption (I think so).
The problem at the moment is, that the discs of zedler are too slow for sync with en:. The german Verein has allready bought a disc-array, which should be fast enought. The problem is, that there are hardwareincompatibility between the scsi-card of zedler and the discs-array. I have order by the verein to buy a new scsi-card, but wait for mark who can tell me at best (I guess so) which card is the right one.
We all together wait for river, which had planed to call adaptech for the hardwareincompatibility. If I have no anwser after the wikimania, I would just buy a new card.
Sincerly, DaB.
On 8/3/06, DaB. wrote:
The problem at the moment is, that the discs of zedler are too slow for sync with en:. The german Verein has allready bought a disc-array, which
Oh cool. What does "too slow for sync with en" mean? The toolserver will always be "a bit behind", or the replication lag is increasing, or it's just hopeless?
should be fast enought. The problem is, that there are hardwareincompatibility between the scsi-card of zedler and the discs-array. I have order by the verein to buy a new scsi-card, but wait for mark who can tell me at best (I guess so) which card is the right one.
We all together wait for river, which had planed to call adaptech for the hardwareincompatibility. If I have no anwser after the wikimania, I would just buy a new card.
Thanks for the update, it's always nice to know what's going on :)
Hello, Am Donnerstag, den 03.08.2006, 22:58 +0200 schrieb Steve Bennett:
On 8/3/06, DaB. wrote:
The problem at the moment is, that the discs of zedler are too slow for sync with en:. The german Verein has allready bought a disc-array, which
Oh cool. What does "too slow for sync with en" mean? The toolserver will always be "a bit behind", or the replication lag is increasing, or it's just hopeless?
the problem is, that when I start en-replication the lag of all other languages starts to increase heavly.
en is at the moment 54 days back. Thats hopeless to resync with my sync-programm. So a new dump of en would be needed, but like I say at the moment that's useless, the same would start again.
Thanks for the update, it's always nice to know what's going on :)
no problem.