Given that we are going to use labsconsole wiki (which is later going to be renamed to wikitech) as a documentation base for various software and server documentation, we should propose a way how this new documentation base is going to be organized.
I would prefer to create new namespace Documentation (Help is already used as a help for labsconsole interface) or Docs (shorter), with following layout where all items are prefixed with category name:
Documentation:Contents - the index page which contains links to subpages
Documentation:Server/<cluster>/<host> for various documentation related to each server which needs some, either virtual instances on labs (cluster would be labs in this case) or real servers as we have now on wikitech
Documentation:Bots/<botname> for documentation of each bot we run on wikimedia project
Documentation:Software/<name> for documentation of various software / libraries such as pywikipediabot etc
In addition we could put each page to a category. I know that we could put all pages in root (Documentation:<name>) and use only categories but using category in URL has two advantages: If we prefix each page with category name we avoid conflicts of names as well as it's clear which category item belongs to just from URL. For example Documentation:Bots/Cluebot would clearly be a documentation page for cluebot we use on english wiki, while Documentation:Server/labs/cluebot could be a server on labs where cluebot would be hosted
If you agreed with this idea, I would open a ticket to create this namespace on labsconsole and started to move some documentation there, especially for bots project which is lacking docs a lot
Given that we are going to use labsconsole wiki (which is later going to be renamed to wikitech) as a documentation base for various software and server documentation, we should propose a way how this new documentation base is going to be organized.
I would prefer to create new namespace Documentation (Help is already used as a help for labsconsole interface) or Docs (shorter), with following layout where all items are prefixed with category name:
Why wouldn't use use the main namespace for this? We aren't really using it for anything else.
I almost always regret using namespaces when I use them. I'd really like to move the project documentation out of the Nova Resource namespace and into main, for instance.
- Ryan