Timezone CODES are present on [2] I just found that _Sourceforge_ has a wonderful list of timezode codes (on your account management page [2], if you have an SF account ), which could be use immediately for MediaWiki
Why am I calling here, what is missing ?
I would need all the corresponding Timezone OFFSETS as used by sourceforge, which I only can get via a personal contact. (I have list of timezone offsets at hand, but want to save time)
<select NAME="timezone"> <option VALUE="US/Alaska">US/Alaska</option> <option VALUE="US/Aleutian">US/Aleutian</option> [ hundreds of lines deleted for conciseness ]
<option VALUE="UCT">UCT</option> <option VALUE="Universal">Universal</option> <option VALUE="UTC">UTC</option> <option VALUE="W-SU">W-SU</option> <option VALUE="Zulu">Zulu</option> </select></td>
Please can you help me ? Is someone of the Sourceforge staff listening here ? I like to receive the list of the corresponding offsets
[1] http://bugzilla.wikipedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=505 Specify timezones by location, to allow automatic adjustments of timeoffset and daylight saving time (DST) [2 ] http://sourceforge.net/account/
Thomas Gries wrote:
Timezone CODES are present on [2] I just found that _Sourceforge_ has a wonderful list of timezode codes (on your account management page [2], if you have an SF account ), which could be use immediately for MediaWiki
Why am I calling here, what is missing ?
I would need all the corresponding Timezone OFFSETS as used by sourceforge, which I only can get via a personal contact. (I have list of timezone offsets at hand, but want to save time)
ls /usr/share/zoneinfo
They may be POSIX-ish standardized or not, I'm not sure offhand.
The thing to remember is that there aren't fixed offsets for all these thanks to daylight saving time (which may vary as to whether it's applied, which hemisphere-style it's applied to, when it enters and leaves, etc). It's probably best to leave the work to the operating system's built-in timezone database if possible. Alternatively, check for whatever database these files get built from on a typical free Unix.
-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)
The thing to remember is that there aren't fixed offsets for all these thanks to daylight saving time (which may vary as to whether it's applied, which hemisphere-style it's applied to, when it enters and leaves,
see ref [3a] for this
- thanks (also for enotif message texts refurbishing)
It is clear, that the most difficult thing is to get the current dates (and time-of-dates) when DST actually changes. In my bugzilla, everything has been said, especially about the (very) problems with the DST - I posted numerous updates (this has come to an end now, because I have all the needed information at hand)
[0] http://bugzilla.wikipedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=505 Ref [3a] in [0] = http://www.worldtimezone.com/daylight.html