Toni Hermoso Pulido (toniher) now has commit access and aims to work on extensions FollowButton, PopUpFile, CheckGroup, ImageRefer.
As of right now, the commit access queue is clear; we've replied to everyone who has requested commit access to our Subversion repository. So if you think you're waiting for a response from us, please check your spam folder. Thanks.
2011/12/16 Sumana Harihareswara
Toni Hermoso Pulido (toniher) now has commit access and aims to work on extensions FollowButton, PopUpFile, CheckGroup, ImageRefer.
És una polla en vinagre!!
In case anybody didn't know, Toni is one of the most diligent and dedicated software localizer on the planet.
-- Amir Elisha Aharoni · אָמִיר אֱלִישָׁע אַהֲרוֹנִי “We're living in pieces, I want to live in peace.” – T. Moore
El 18/12/11 12:02, Amir E. Aharoni escribió:
2011/12/16 Sumana Harihareswara
Toni Hermoso Pulido (toniher) now has commit access and aims to work on extensions FollowButton, PopUpFile, CheckGroup, ImageRefer.
És una polla en vinagre!!
Lol Amir, I had to look up that expression! [1]
Welcome Toni. This doubles the number of committers from Spain :)
Al 19/12/11 01:11, En/na Platonides ha escrit:
El 18/12/11 12:02, Amir E. Aharoni escribió:
2011/12/16 Sumana
Toni Hermoso Pulido (toniher) now has commit access and aims to work on extensions FollowButton, PopUpFile, CheckGroup, ImageRefer.
És una polla en vinagre!!
Lol Amir, I had to look up that expression! [1]
Welcome Toni. This doubles the number of committers from Spain :)
Thanks for the welcome! :)