I just upgraded my Wiki http://wiki.oxus.net from 1.3.x to 1.4.x. Everything went fine, with one major problem: I no longer have the same URL structure I used to have. Before my site urls looked like this:
now they look like this:
I tried following the instructions on this page:
But they do not work. It seems that the problem is that I am using a virtual host/commercial server which is still using Apache 1.3.x not 2.x. I even tried using the "kludge" method on the page, but it did not work.
I did some searching but couldn't find any solution that works with Apache 1.3.x, so I thought I'd write to the group to see if anywone has figured out a work around?
Please write to me off-list at oxusnet+software [at] gmail.com.
Thanks for your help.
Kerim Friedman wrote:
I just upgraded my Wiki http://wiki.oxus.net from 1.3.x to 1.4.x. Everything went fine, with one major problem: I no longer have the same URL structure I used to have. Before my site urls looked like this:
I strongly recommend against this, as it pollutes your URL namespace and may create conflicts. You should always put your rewrite area in a virtual directory.
now they look like this:
That's the default. Did you throw away your old LocalSettings.php?
I tried following the instructions on this page:
But they do not work.
Is that the same as what you did before?
I did some searching but couldn't find any solution that works with Apache 1.3.x, so I thought I'd write to the group to see if anywone has figured out a work around?
The rewrite configuration would be exactly the same on 1.3.x and 2.0.x so far as I know.
Please write to me off-list at oxusnet+software [at] gmail.com.
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-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)