I am doing research on concurrent editing of shared objects and I am thinking on using Wikipedia as a source for update patterns. After downloading and importing the database to my mysql, I can now check the info I need: Object, User and Timestamp.
However, I noticed that unlike other Wikis there is no longer a lock when multiple users concurrently try to edit the same object. As you know, currently in Wikipedia the user that tries to commit a concurrent version will get asked to merge its contents with the previously commited state.
My questions is:
Is there any flag on table "old" that indicates that a given update was done after merging with the previous version ? This kind of information would be usefull for my extraction of patterns, since I am interested on the conflict rate.
Thanks in advance for any help that you might be able to give me.
Regards, Carlos
Carlos Baquero Distributed Systems Group Fax +351 25360 4471 University of Minho, Portugal Voice +351 25360 4449 cbm@di.uminho.pt http://gsd.di.uminho.pt/cbm/
On Apr 2, 2004, at 02:03, Carlos Baquero Moreno wrote:
Is there any flag on table "old" that indicates that a given update was done after merging with the previous version ? This kind of information would be usefull for my extraction of patterns, since I am interested on the conflict rate.
Sorry, this info is not recorded.
-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)