Hey all,
At Wikimedia Deutchland, we rewrote our fundraising application [0]. For this rewrite we took an approach rather different than what is typically done in Wikimedia-verse [1]. It is my hope that these differences and the lessons we learned are of interest to some on this list.
[0] https://www.entropywins.wtf/blog/2016/11/24/rewriting-the- wikimedia-deutschland-funrdraising/ [1] https://www.entropywins.wtf/blog/2016/11/24/implementing- the-clean-architecture/
-- Jeroen De Dauw | https://entropywins.wtf | https://keybase.io/jeroendedauw Software craftsmanship advocate | Developer at Wikimedia Germany ~=[,,_,,]:3
Hey all,
Apparently the links I send are broken in some email clients. These ones should be OK:
[0] https://www.entropywins.wtf/blog/2016/11/24/rewriting-the-wikimedia-deutschl... [1] https://www.entropywins.wtf/blog/2016/11/24/implementing-the-clean-architect...
-- Jeroen De Dauw | https://entropywins.wtf | https://keybase.io/jeroendedauw Software craftsmanship advocate | Developer at Wikimedia Germany ~=[,,_,,]:3