I have been working on a project to improve the categorization of pictures in the Upload to Commons Android app < https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T115101%3E as part of the Outreachy Dec '15 program, and I am happy to announce that Phase 1 of the project has been implemented. :) The app should now suggest nearby categories when a picture is uploaded.
Feedback on this feature would be greatly appreciated, so please feel free to download the updated version of the app < https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fr.free.nrw.commons%3E and to post feedback/issues on the GitHub page < https://github.com/nicolas-raoul/apps-android-commons/issues/new%3E.
Please note that to use this new feature, you will need to have location tagging enabled for your camera.
-- Regards, Josephine