The Wikimedia Technical Committee is hereby issuing a last call for comments on the RFC "PostgreSQL schema change for consistency with MySQL".
If no new objections are raised, this RFC will be approved on August 30.
This RFC proposes to resolve differences between the PostgreSQL and MySQL support in MediaWiki by reducing the use of PostgreSQL-specific features.
Note that I'm not planning implement this RFC in the current quarter. I would welcome volunteer implementors.
-- Tim Starling
Thanks. I tried to notify some affected wikis but surprisingly there is only one registered on WikiApiary:
With some very wide Google searches like 'postgresql "powered by mediawiki"', I found a few more: * * * (we know them, they're working on upgrades and a Translate installation) * * * *
I'll notify these as well if nobody beats me at it, but I assume there are more; any idea how to reach them?
Does it actually make sense to notify third parties using postgres about the change? Its not like we are dropping support for it, and im doubtful that random user using postgres with mediawiki has opinions on implementation details such as what specific features are used in the schema or would even understand what all this is about.
-- bawolff
On Thursday, August 17, 2017, Federico Leva (Nemo) wrote:
Thanks. I tried to notify some affected wikis but surprisingly there is
only one registered on WikiApiary:
With some very wide Google searches like 'postgresql "powered by
mediawiki"', I found a few more:
- (we know them, they're
working on upgrades and a Translate installation)
I'll notify these as well if nobody beats me at it, but I assume there
are more; any idea how to reach them?
Wikitech-l mailing list
2017-08-17 16:50 GMT+03:00 Brian Wolff
Does it actually make sense to notify third parties using postgres about the change? Its not like we are dropping support for it, and im doubtful that random user using postgres with mediawiki has opinions on implementation details such as what specific features are used in the schema or would even understand what all this is about.
Will the upgrade be seamless regardless of how they upgrade their version? Will they be able to recover their website after disaster from a backup with the old layout? If the answer is anything else than a definite yes (and I can imagine at least a scenario where MW is upgraded without Postgre), then yes, it makes sense to try and reduce the surprise effect. Even if they don't have an opinion about it, knowing of the change will help them upgrade.
On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 10:06 AM, Strainu wrote:
Will the upgrade be seamless regardless of how they upgrade their version?
In the best-case scenario, they'll have to run update.php as with most other MediaWiki updates, and it'll update everything for them. I don't know of any reason that shouldn't be the case.
We may also increase the version requirement, so if they're still on PG 8.3 they might have to upgrade that too.
Will they be able to recover their website after disaster from a backup with the old layout?
They'd likely be able to repeat whatever had to be done to upgrade the first time around.
By notifications I don't mean alerts or warnings; just a way to have some feedback from real users of the affected "feature", given I see little on the task itself.
If someone took the trouble to pick PostgreSQL as their MediaWiki database, I expect they have some reason to do so and maybe some opinion on how it should be. Hopefully they didn't choose PostgreSQL for the specific schema! :-)