This post is to solicit wider community feedback on the Wikisource discussion of an extension for "Labeled section transclusion." The idea is this: a simple method to mark off multiple sections of a wiki page for individual transclusion. A clear description of the feature, the rationale behind it, and discussion of it may be found here:
(There is also an old bugzilla feature request, but the description and discussion at the wiki page is light-years beyond it.)
The reason I am posting this now is because it became clear today that the exact same need was encountered simultaneously in three different Wikisource languages (English, French, and Hebrew), and each in language a different way to hack around the problem has not only been suggested, but even implemented! This seems to strongly suggest a genuine need for an overall solution. (The local solutions should also be evaluated by people with technical know-how.)
The wiki-page linked to above also has lengthy discussions of the various local solutions that have been tried, as well as a link to the bug.
It would be great to get wider feedback on whether the proposal is feasible, desirable, and how it might best be implemented.
(I also strongly suspect that a flexible feature such as this might turn out to be useful in numerous contexts outside of Wikisource as well.)
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