An automated run of parserTests.php showed the following failures:
Running test External image... FAILED! Running test External image from https... FAILED! Running test External links: Clickable images... FAILED! Running test Table security: embedded pipes ( FAILED! Running test Link containing double-single-quotes '' (bug 4598)... FAILED! Running test message transform: <noinclude> in transcluded template (bug 4926)... FAILED! Running test message transform: <onlyinclude> in transcluded template (bug 4926)... FAILED! Running test BUG 1887, part 2: A <math> with a thumbnail- math enabled... FAILED! Running test Language converter: output gets cut off unexpectedly (bug 5757)... FAILED! Running test HTML bullet list, unclosed tags (bug 5497)... FAILED! Running test HTML ordered list, unclosed tags (bug 5497)... FAILED! Running test HTML nested bullet list, open tags (bug 5497)... FAILED! Running test HTML nested ordered list, open tags (bug 5497)... FAILED! Running test Parsing optional HTML elements (Bug 6171)... FAILED! Running test Inline HTML vs wiki block nesting... FAILED! Running test Mixing markup for italics and bold... FAILED!
Passed 388 of 404 tests (96.04%) FAILED!