Could I trouble you to elaborate on this point a little?
$ lynx -dump http://localhost/mediawikibus/index.php?title=Special:Recentchanges%5C&u... -44
1. Odd, uselang=en didn't clean up this part:
本頁跟蹤中公內最新的更改。 [6]歡迎,新來者! 請參見這些頁面:[7]中公常見問題解答、 [8]中公守則 (特別是[9]命名常規、 [10]中立觀點) 和[11]最常見失禮行為。
如果您希望中公成功,那麼請您不要增加受其它[12]版權 限制的材料,這一點將非常重要。相關的法律責任會傷害本項工程,所以請不要這樣做。
2. * ([29]Move log); 12:45 . . [30]WikiSysop ([31]Talk | [32]contribs) @ (討論:020移動到討論:020a) * ([33]Move log); 12:45 . . [34]WikiSysop ([35]Talk | [36]contribs) @ (020移動到020a) * (diff) ([37]hist) . . N [38]分類討論:綠川東站; 12:03 . . [39]MediaWiki default ([40]Talk) (Importing text file) * ([41]Deletion log); 12:03 . . [42]Delete page script ([43]Talk) (已刪除“分類討論:綠川東站”) * (diff) ([44]hist) . . N [45]分類:綠川東站; 12:02 . . [46]MediaWiki default ([47]Talk) (Importing text file)
No links on the lines I marked with @. Thus one needs to visit the move log to click on the newly born page "020a"
And not only moveBatch.php, but moving pages via the main web interface too.
On 31/12/06, Dan Jacobson wrote:
No links on the lines I marked with @. Thus one needs to visit the move log to click on the newly born page "020a"
Ah, right...that's actually the case for me...
And not only moveBatch.php, but moving pages via the main web interface too.
I made a dodgy guess at what language we're talking about, and came up with "zh-tw" - check the language file for MediaWiki 1.7. The message "1movedto2" does *not* contain link brackets around the $1 and $2 parameters.
Edit MediaWiki:1movedto2 and correct'll also want to edit other system messages related to moving, which can be found via Special:Allmessages as usual.
Rob Church