$hasHistory = false;
$reason = $article->generateReason($hasHistory);
Can we not modify Article::generateReason() to not forced a reference, since, AFAIK, you no longer have to explicitly state that a parameter should be a reference.
MinuteElectron schreef: wrote:
$hasHistory = false;
$reason = $article->generateReason($hasHistory);
Can we not modify Article::generateReason() to not forced a reference, since, AFAIK, you no longer have to explicitly state that a parameter should be a reference.
The entire point of this parameter is that generateReason() checks whether the article has a history and sets $hasHistory accordingly. The API ignores this, but the deletion form uses this to decide whether to display the "The article you're about to delete has a history" notice.
Roan Kattouw (Catrope)