Hey all,
I'm pleased to announce a proposed followup for WikiProject X, a project previously funded by an Individual Engagement Grant. I have now submitted a Project Grant, according to the new system, with which I intend to complete and fully assess the development of CollaborationKit, the extension James Hare, Brian Wolff, and I created in 2016 in the renewal round of the original grant to facilitate the creation, management, and usage of WikiProjects on the English Wikipedia.
While the CollaborationKit extension is largely complete as a functioning prototype, it has yet to be deployed to the target wiki, the English Wikipedia (while technically in production, at present it's only enabled on testwiki). Subsequent to that deployment, actual testing can begin, and only then will it be possible to iterate on the extension's layout and functionality to effectively address the needs and pitfalls that come up in practice. Only then, too, will we be able to effectively assess the overall project: how successful has WikiProject X, as both IEG and Project Grant, been at meeting the outcomes originally described? How effective is this kind of design and software project as a whole? What can we learn, and how can others learn from this approach?
I would like to invite anyone interested in the project to check out the new proposal, and to comment or ask any questions you might have: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Project/Isarra/WikiProject_X
For more information on the original grant: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:IEG/WikiProject_X WikiProject X on the English Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_X CollaborationKit: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CollaborationKit