Dear members of the MediaWiki developer team,
having familiarized myself a bit with the MediaWiki architecture, I believe that I would punctually change the MediaWiki software in order to speed up the page load at the client side.
Namely, I believe that I can extremely significantly increase pageload speed by minimizing the rendering time inside the browser. More specifically, by reducing the number of block elements (and more generally, any (X)HTML elements), the expensive rendering of these will diminish. Using this method, I have obtained extremely significant speedups even on a quite reasonable machine (built by myself).
This optimization would require that I change the way that wikisyntax is translated into (X)HTML. Moreover, I'd have to redesign the "default components" of the pages.
Since MediaWiki is so extensively used, these optimizations may quite substantially reduce energy demands across the globe, and also lead to performance improvements among scientists and laymen alike.
With best regards, A. Fellhauer, a.k.a. Mathmensch, English Wikibooks
Hi, Adrian! I'm part of the WMF's Performance Team[0], which is one of several groups across the MediaWiki ecosystem that have quite a bit of interest in this topic. Optimizing page load speed at the client is the main area of focus for our group.
We'd be very interested in any patches that you wish to propose, or in further conversations on this topic. The two easiest paths forward would be: - If you have active patches in Gerrit, please tag me (username: "IMarlier") - If you have active Phabricator tickets, please add the tag "Performance-Team" so that we're aware -- this is the best option if your proposal is closer to the discussion stage than actual implementation.
Looking forward to your contributions!
- Ian
On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 4:53 PM Adrian Fellhauer wrote:
Dear members of the MediaWiki developer team,
having familiarized myself a bit with the MediaWiki architecture, I believe that I would punctually change the MediaWiki software in order to speed up the page load at the client side.
Namely, I believe that I can extremely significantly increase pageload speed by minimizing the rendering time inside the browser. More specifically, by reducing the number of block elements (and more generally, any (X)HTML elements), the expensive rendering of these will diminish. Using this method, I have obtained extremely significant speedups even on a quite reasonable machine (built by myself).
This optimization would require that I change the way that wikisyntax is translated into (X)HTML. Moreover, I'd have to redesign the "default components" of the pages.
Since MediaWiki is so extensively used, these optimizations may quite substantially reduce energy demands across the globe, and also lead to performance improvements among scientists and laymen alike.
With best regards, A. Fellhauer, a.k.a. Mathmensch, English Wikibooks
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