Several of the engineers and advisors developing components for front end standardization met Friday to check status, set direction, and identify upcoming obstacles
Big take aways:
= MediaWiki theme for OOjs UI = * Should be finalized this week by Trevor and Bartosz * Server side to follow in the next couple of weeks
= Icon system = * Bartosz has done the early work for a Grunt task that takes SVGs and a JSON config to generate colored SVG and PNG renderings and the corresponding LESS markup for them
Notes and additional items from the discussion can be found on [1]
Follow up items: * Generate prospective roadmap [Trevor] * Raise Template RFC w/ arch committee and make a decision [Brion] * Find out if Derk-Jan (cc'd) can join us next time * Discuss Server-side OOUI at next meeting
Please update as necessary if you attended and I've forgotten or misrepresented anything.
thanks all
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