Call for Developers
We are planning to create a Digital Library Card Platform for The Wikipedia Library. We are looking for a developer, or team, with a history of successfully developing web applications in open development frameworks (such as Drupal, Angular, Ember, CiviCRM, etc.). Efficient production, clear communication, and well-structured and secure code are a must. Additional consideration will go towards applicants who have worked in the Library and Information Science field, on Open Source projects, or in the Wikimedia/Mediawiki communities. Our budget currently allows for $5000-$15,000 for development of a working version within 4- 6 months. We expect to expand the platform in two later phases to add additional functionality around standard library services.
The Wikipedia Library helps Wikipedia's top editors receive access to donations from leading publishers and databases. Now that we have over 3 dozen publishing partners including Elsevier JSTOR, Oxford University Press, and SAGE, AND nearly a dozen global branches with 2 dozen more planned for the next year AND commitments to support other TWL programs across the globe... we need to create a system that will facilitate our expansion. In the past, manual and separate processes for delivering access were appropriate, but this year's focus is on scaling and growth. Developing the Digital Library Card Platform tool is a top priority for us this year.
Qualified and interested applicants should read this project overview and fill out the form linked on this page:
Please feel free to share this email with friends or colleagues who may also be interested.
*Jake Orlowitz*
*Head of The Wikipedia Library*
*Wikimedia Foundation*