i'm running a phpbb forum and I would like to integrate the wiki-software there. however I have some trouble integrating the header and footer of my phpbb into mediawiki. so far I tried with putting the entire code of the mediawiki index.php into an external phpbb-site (with header and footer of my phpbb). it kind of works ( see here: http://skoliose.net/test-lex/ ) but there is a problem with the special chars. depending on the browser, either the spezial-chars of the phpbb-header and footer don't get shown correctly or the special chars of the wiki-text. this is the code of the index.php I used http://skoliose.net/test-lex/index.php.txt
does anybody know how to ! fix that problem or has anybody successfully integratet an (phpbb-)header oder footer in his wiki? are there any tutorials which could help me?
thanks, BZebra