Summary: I'm looking for people to discuss about the parsing of math.
Dear all,
I came up with a proposal for a new version of the rendering of the <math> tag. I proposed to use LaTeXML to convert the LaTeX expressions in the math tag to MathML. If the browser is not capable of displaying MathML I use MathJaX to display the MathML output in the browser. My implementation (the LaTeXML branch) has only a few very little differences in contrast to the master branch. I have the feeling that the php code of the math extensions could be improved. For example I'd suggest to put all the texvc related stuff to another class. Furthermore I was thinking about an asynchronous rendering of the formula, which would speed up page loading time especially for major edits. Attached you find the draft of a paper where I describe in detail what I changed and why it is an improvement. The paper will appear soon in the postconference proceedings of CICM2012. Now I want to figure out, who is working on the development of the math extension, and who wants to discuss with me about our ideas. I'm open to any kind of suggestions and questions.
Best regards Moritz
Summary: I'm looking for people to discuss about the parsing of math.
Dear all,
I came up with a proposal for a new version of the rendering of the <math> tag. I proposed to use LaTeXML to convert the LaTeX expressions in the math tag to MathML. If the browser is not capable of displaying MathML I use MathJaX to display the MathML output in the browser. My implementation (the LaTeXML branch) has only a few very little differences in contrast to the master branch. I have the feeling that the php code of the math extensions could be improved. For example I'd suggest to put all the texvc related stuff to another class. Furthermore I was thinking about an asynchronous rendering of the formula, which would speed up page loading time especially for major edits.
At you find the draft of a paper where I describe in detail what I changed and why it is an improvement. The paper will appear soon in the postconference proceedings of CICM2012. Now I want to figure out, who is working on the development of the math extension, and who wants to discuss with me about our ideas. I'm open to any kind of suggestions and questions.
Best regards Moritz
-- Mit freundlichen Grüßen Moritz Schubotz
Telefon (Büro): +49 30 314 22784 Telefon (Privat):+49 30 488 27330 E-Mail: Web: Skype: Schubi87 ICQ: 200302764 Msn: