I'm Pubudu Fernando and I'm currently a first year Computer Science and Engineering student at the University of Moratuwa in Sri Lanka. For my GSoC '14 project, I would like to work on switching Semantic Forms autocompletion to use the Select2 library.
Best Regards, Pubudu Fernando
Hi Pubudu,
On Friday, March 21, 2014, Pubudu Fernando pubudu.fernando@gmail.com wrote:
I'm Pubudu Fernando and I'm currently a first year Computer Science and Engineering student at the University of Moratuwa in Sri Lanka. For my GSoC '14 project, I would like to work on switching Semantic Forms autocompletion to use the Select2 library.
You didn't provide any URL here and, what is more important, the proposal you mention here hasn't been submitted to GSoC 14, and the deadline is now over.
Unless I'm missing something, this means that your proposal didn't make it to GSoC 2014. We invite you to keep contributing to the Semantic MediaWiki community and to prepare you proposal well in advance.