I#m not sure this is the right list. I will describe my problem hitting me over the last days.
I created a specialpage for a kind of wizard. This leeds users to scribe their articles step by step.
Title -> Categories -> Patterns -> Finally write article.
This information are stored in a wizard-session. In the last step i need now the editor and put these selections automatically in the textform.
To implement this I took some functions from the editpage.php. But the great problem: The system tells me I need sysop and show a long long list toolbarbuttons. Only a few are displayed coorect, the others are undefinied.
So what' going wrong! I really need some support regards mic
This information are stored in a wizard-session. In the last step i need now the editor and put these selections automatically in the textform.
You could manually create the page with the predefined content (using Article::insertNewArticle(), I think) and then link to the edit page, that way the selections would be in the textform without you doing anything.
Thomas Dalton schrieb:
This information are stored in a wizard-session. In the last step i need now the editor and put these selections automatically in the textform.
You could manually create the page with the predefined content (using Article::insertNewArticle(), I think) and then link to the edit page, that way the selections would be in the textform without you doing anything.
Hi Thomas,
that's not the main problem. The undefined toolbarbuttons ....
removing the following, the editor ist displayed well $wgOut->addScript("<script type="text/javascript" src="/wiki/extensions/NewArticleWizard/prototype.js"></script>\n"); $wgOut->addScript("<script type="text/javascript" src="/wiki/extensions/NewArticleWizard/wizard.js"></script>\n");
I've no idea?
regards mic