I was asked today to filter bots from the stats and present them in a separate list. I think that would be nice. I also would like to redefine 'edits per month' to 'edits per month excluding known bots'. Now the latest stats show a marked increase in edit activity in June, which in reality is mainly due to 'Template Namespace Initialisation Script'.
So my question is: any suggestions how to recognize bots unambiguously?
I checked http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Bots but the bot list there seems rather incomplete.
Checking on postfix 'bot' would be unreliable, not all are named in this way, especially in other languages. I might even offend user 'Joe Bot'.
Where does WikiMedia look for filtering Recent Changes?
Erik Zachte
On Sun, 13 Jun 2004 16:30:59 +0200 "Erik Zachte" e.p.zachte@chello.nl wrote:
I was asked today to filter bots from the stats and present them in a separate list. I think that would be nice. I also would like to redefine 'edits per month' to 'edits per month excluding known bots'. Now the latest stats show a marked increase in edit activity in June, which in reality is mainly due to 'Template Namespace Initialisation Script'.
So my question is: any suggestions how to recognize bots unambiguously?
I checked http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Bots but the bot list there seems rather incomplete.
Checking on postfix 'bot' would be unreliable, not all are named in this way, especially in other languages. I might even offend user 'Joe Bot'.
Where does WikiMedia look for filtering Recent Changes?
Erik Zachte
Wikimedia looks in user table. in user_rights there's a flag 'bots'